Steering Committee

About the Steering Committee

The PDEP Steering Committee (SC) is comprised of three members from each partner sector:

  • the Alliance of Canadian Dietetic Regulatory Bodies;
  • Dietitians of Canada; and
  • representatives of Canadian academic institutions and practical training organizations in dietetic education.

The SC has guided the development of the structural, administrative, and operational aspects of the Partnership.

The SC has appointed task-specific project working groups to lead on key initiatives such as the development of the Integrated Competencies for Dietetic Education and Practice, and Governance, as needed.

Alliance of Canadian Dietetic Regulatory Bodies

Cynthia Whalen, M.Sc., RD

Registrar and Executive Coordinator, Newfoundland & Labrador College of Dietitans

Lana Moore

Registrar and Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Dietitians Association

Shaundra Durance-Tod, M.Sc., RD

Registrar and Executive Director, College of Dietitans of Manitoba

Dietitians of Canada Representatives


Jennifer Wojcik

Senior Director, Member and Stakeholder Engagement, Dietitians of Canada 

Barb Ledermann, MSc, RD

Senior Director, Marketing and Communications, Dietitians of Canada 

Dietetic Educator Representatives

Ann Fox, PhD, PDt 

Saint Francis Xavier University 

Angela Cuddy, RD, MEd, MSc, FDC

University of Toronto 

Melissa LeBlanc, MEd, RD 

Dietitian Practice Leader and Student Coordinator, Fraser Health