Accredited Programs in Canada

Effective March 31, 2022 no further program reviews will be undertaken by PDEP. Existing PDEP accreditation awards will continue to be recognized by Canadian dietetic regulatory bodies as approved programs for the purposes of registration until Aug. 31, 2023. For more information on accreditation and program approval beyond this date consult the websites of the individual regulatory bodies.


Undergraduate Degrees: Fully Integrated / Diplômes de premier cycle : entièrement intégrés
Academic Education and Practicum Training / Formation académique et pratique

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Program Name
Date of

Undergraduate Degrees: Partially Integrated / Diplômes de premier cycle : partiellement intégrés
Academic Education with Limited Practicum Training Enrollment / Formation académique avec formation pratique contingentée

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Program Name
Date of

Undergraduate Degrees: Not Integrated / Diplômes de premier cycle : non intégrés
Academic Education Only / Formation uniquement

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Program Name
Date of

Post Degree Practicums / Programmes de formation pratique post-diplômés
Practicum Training Only / Formation pratique uniquement

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Program Name
Date of

Combined Masters Practicum Programs / Programmes de maîtrise avec formation pratique intégrée
Masters Education with Practicum Training / Formation universitaire de deuxième cycle avec formation pratique

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Program Name
Date of